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Electrical Engineering for Non-Electrical Engineers - S. Bobby Rauf

Electrical Engineering for Non-Electrical Engineers - S. Bobby Rauf

Resultado de imagen para Electrical Engineering for Non-Electrical Engineers

Idioma: Inglés.
Calidad: Muy Buena.
Libro: PDF

This book covers basic electrical engineering concepts, principles, analytical, and mathematical strategies. It facilitates quick study and comprehension of the material without repetitive search for reference data in other parts of the book. It also includes an explanation of energy engineering terms, a discussion of the skills and preparation necessary for various certification and licensure exams; explanation of the electrical engineering component of energy projects; an understanding of electrical energy cost and tips on improvement of electrical energy intensity in the industrial and commercial environment as well as providing discussion on the generation of electricity from renewal sources.

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Electrical Engineering for Non-Electrical Engineers - S. Bobby Rauf

Electrical Engineering for Non-Electrical Engineers - S. Bobby Rauf Idioma: Inglés. Calidad: Muy Buena. Libro: PDF This book c...

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